
Demo 6 - Marker Clustering

Scenario: Prepare a map of  city population(US)  and present in Map that shall get clustered

This is a simple scenario show the city population  information on map. The pins need to be clustered automatically based on the zoom level. 

List city population information in Google Sheet as show below

Map My Sheet - Demo Spreadsheet

Configure the Clustering in "Map My Sheet" add on

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

View map  

Here , we are showing the city population (US).if you want to see just click on clusters.


If you are not able to see Google Map below, Login to Google, reload screen and accept permissions (if prompted)

Note: Now users can Switch On or Off the clusters on the fly whenever required.

If Cluster view is checked on then the following map view with clustering appears.

If Cluster view is unchecked the following screen appears without clustering.

Hope you enjoyed the demo. Contact Us if you have any questions.